First off, I must apologize for my lack of pictures. There were several picturesque scenes on today's 2-hour ride, but I couldn't be bothered to stop for photo ops. You see, I've been suffering from cabin fever, what with the piles of snow and frigid temperatures lately.
Happily, today the temperature soared to an absurd 68F! No doubt fueled by global warming, and perhaps an ominous harbinger of things to come this summer. No matter, it was awesome. I headed out to my local car-free (but pedestrian-infested) zone, Creve Coeur Park. Wind? Ferocious. Path wet from melting snow? Yes. Incredibly iced-up waterfall? You bet.
The only bummer was that a large section of path was obstructed by unmelted snow and ice, about 50 meters of it. There were smaller patches I bravely pedaled and slithered my way over, but this would have been inviting disaster. I turned around. So I was unable to do convenient loops, instead riding until I came upon the ice, then turned around and went back.
In retrospect, I should have stopped and taken a picture of me in shorts and jersey, standing in front of the fantastic fully-iced-over waterfall. But, you know, when you're riding outside for the first time in a's hard to stop. At least until my legs cramped up and I struggled back to my car. And yes. Yes I feel stupid by using my car to haul my bike to a pleasant riding destination. I blame the motorists of Chesterfield and surrounding area for making the roads so rage-filled and unsafe that I feel the need, on occasion, to remove myself from the evil motorists' cross-hairs. Plus the ride finished around rush hour, which spells instant death for the unwitting cyclist. Sad, isn't it, that getting home a few minutes sooner is worth taking a life? What a world we live in...
Supposed to be warm all weekend...