My body has a mystery. I am always thirsty. My beverage consumption must be in the 2-3 gallon per day range. More if there's a bike ride involved. 8 glasses of water a day? Child's play. I typically have 2 Diet Cokes, 3 glasses of water, and maybe some milk. Before lunch. BEFORE lunch, where I will consume another Diet Coke, and at least one more glass of water. Then an afternoon Diet Coke, another water or two. Maybe some lemonade or Hawaiian Punch. Then evening rolls around and the constant influx of liquid continues unabated until I fall asleep.
Anyone know what's up? Can 4 Diet Cokes a day cause that much dehydration? Sometimes I will have just chugged a half-gallon of delicious ice-cold water, stomach stretched to the breaking point, and still be thirsty. I'll wait 30 minutes and go for another quarter-gallon. Still thirsty. And yes, I use the restroom a lot. It's a good thing I don't drink, I'd be the world's most ferocious alcoholic.
Seriously. Any doctors reading this? Is there some medical condition that causes one to constantly be thirsty? Just while typing this, I had a glass of water and an A&W root beer.