April 17, 2010

What a Day

I'm exhausted, in a good way.  The day started with some cycling around the Chesterfield Valley/Wildwood areas.  Nothing too extreme, just shaking out the legs.  After some lunch, high-speed hiking (with an attempt at trail running thrown in to keep the heart rate up) at Lewis & Clark.  Which, by the way, is in fine shape after yesterday's spotty rain.  And to wrap it all up an evening paddle at Creve Coeur Lake, in my sister-in-law Amy's 12.5' boat, which has now replaced my 17' monster at the CC Lake Boathouse.  Because she doesn't like my boat, and her boat is plenty capable in the placid lake environment.

I can't believe it's 8 o'clock already...where does the time go?

April 8, 2010

Quick Update

Wow, over a month since the last post.  Oh, well, life gets in the way.  So here's a quick update.

Still employed by the Great Pharmaceutical Juggernaut, for a couple more months anyway.  Today the site was handed over to the company that bought it.  Tomorrow should be interesting.  Also had to say goodbye to my good friend and cubicle-neighbor Gary, though I'm sure I'll see him again soon; today was his last day of employment by the Juggernaut.  Their loss, he's a legend in the small world of NMR.

Regular exercise, food moderation, and riding at Babler have been improving fitness quickly, as well as burning off the flab accumulated over the winter and at work.  For some reason that job made me fat, but that's all over now!  It's amazing how much easier it is to climb hills on a bike now...

The Trek and the Gunnar still vie for supremacy.  I'm not sure there will ever be a final decision, they are both amazing bikes in their own ways.  The Trek is stiff and fast, the Gunnar is quiet and smooth.  If only the Trek was quiet, it could achieve outright victory.

With warm weather being more and more frequent, my legs are feeling the burn.  It's tough not to ride when the weather is this fantastic.