Nowadays, and I could be wrong, but it seems the suburban kids do not suffer from boredom. They have computers, a billion channels of TV, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace...all these things that banish boredom. So you don't need to use your imagination at all, because boredom is not a problem.
So, my contention is that kids don't need to use their imagination to entertain themselves. Xboxes and Playstations create virtual worlds of mind-blowing resolution. Texting and cell phones means someone is always instantly available. It's easier to use some paid professional's imagination - through technology - than you own. And everyone likes easy. Trouble starts when that easiness goes too far.
The problem is this. I think imagination is an important part of empathy. Let's look at a case study. I'm at the airport, and the flight is cancelled. The ticket agent is having a hard time putting me on another flight. I could A) go berzerk and start yelling and threatening violence -which I have seen happen; or B) understand it's not the ticket agent's fault and try to work something out. If I have imagination, it's easier for me to "put myself in someone else's shoes", and more easily understand that hey...think how the poor ticket agent feels. They have to deal with enraged customers every stinking day. It's easier for me to take the nice approach, if I imagine the suffering the poor ticket agent is going through with me. That's what they call empathy.
Without empathy, more and more people will demand instant gratification and have no way to understand why everything is not perfect. As this percentage rises, violent crimes increase...and eventually we have anarchy and go the way of Rome. Rome with nuclear weapons.
This, of course, ties into cycling as well. Everyone knows that a certain percentage of motorists are asshats. They can't be bothered to wait 30 seconds to safely pass a cyclist. Some of them even feel the need to honk, scream out the window, spit on, or throw beer bottles at the cyclist. The motorists can't imagine what the cyclist is feeling...here's this giant car menacing me, which could easily spell the end of my life. The driver does not think of their enormous vehicle as a lethal weapon. Eventually cyclists will even the playing field by arming themselves with portable lethal weapons...aka guns. It all goes downhill from there, eventually arriving at the collapse of civilization.
So the next time you are inconvenienced, something isn't quite right, or someone else is being a jerk...try to step outside your own world view and imagine why that might be. Maybe the jerk's daughter just got slaughtered by a drunk driver, and they're a little on edge. Or maybe that cyclist can't afford gas and so is riding a bicycle to work, or doesn't want to be fat, or just enjoys it. Do what you can to stave off Armageddon. And try to get your kids to use their imagination. Pong was a huge hit, and it wasn't even in 3D. But it threatens the very fabric of our civilization. Plus it starts with 'P' which rhymes with 'T' which stands for trouble. Or is it Trouble starts with 'T' which rhymes with 'P' which stands for Pong?

I invite my legions of fans to comment...prove me wrong or right.
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