Yes, that's right. A woman was shot in the foot while at work today. They locked us down for three hours while the police, SWAT, and a police helicopter searched the area for the shooter. Never did find him. For about the first hour, Security wasn't telling anyone what was happening, then finally they made an announcement about why we couldn't leave, and why the cops, SWAT, and helicopter were swarming over the 300-acre grounds of our campus. Needless to say the interweb news outlets let us know there was a shooting, but no details. We were afraid it was a Columbine-style random killing spree. While I feel bad for the wounded-foot woman, I'm glad it was an isolated incident and not a going-Postal type rampage. Fortunately I was in my bunker of an office, surrounded by cinder blocks, concrete, and a restricted-access door to cower behind.
Quite surprising to be calmly eating lunch with your coworkers, and hear an engimatic announcement come over the PA: "This is a security emergency. Please take shelter where you are and await further announcements. Do not move around the building or go outside." Usually those PA announcements are for PA system tests, fire drills, notification of sprinkler system service, and the like. My first security emergency.
I wonder if my employer will offer us hazard pay to continue reporting to our apparently high-risk campus. And apparently the "No Firearms" policy is more of a suggestion than a rule.

Maybe Security should install one of these on the roof:

That will give the bad guys second thoughts...
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