Ah, what a day. Beautiful weather. I stopped by the local bike shop for a semi-regular economic stimulus donation, and to check on the Trek. It's being painted, apparently, so that's good. I probably shouldn't have pawned the TCR before the Trek arrived, but live and learn. Using my awesome prescience, I determined I should also go to the grocery store, said store being closed for Easter. Anticipating a desire to eat tomorrow, I went to the store. Then, in another astounding display of precognition, I went for a two-hour ride on Velotron...knowing I'd reserved the evening hours for finishing my taxes.

Yes, it's shocking to see how much money the government takes from me every year. I kind of don't notice it on the paycheck stub...but every year around this time I get slapped in the face with it.

It's bad enough they take my money, and give it directly to rich people (economic bailout bonus, anyone?). Not to mention the local, poorly-maintained roads. And the police people who, difficult job though they may have, frequently choose to ignore the very laws they are supposed to be enforcing. Turn signal? Stop sign? Pedestrian obstacle? Ah, you're a cop, do whatever you want. Just check for video cameras pointed in your direction first. Chesterfield in general appears to be staunchly anti-cyclist. Bike lanes? Ha. Traffic signals that detect bikes? Dream on. A couple of "Share the Road" signs is all City Hall could be bothered with. They'll be happy to take my money, though.

I was tempted, at one point, to fudge a little and get a little of my hard-earned money - well earned money...ok money - back. Adjust a little number there, check a little box there...who would ever know? If there's one thing I have learned, it's don't f--- with the IRS. So I didn't. I was a good little citizen. You don't screw with the people holding the pursestrings. Just look at Al Capone. Ran a criminal empire, murdered people with impunity (much like drunk motorists, in that regard); walked free. Thrown in the slammer by the IRS.
All in all, tax season cost me countless thousands of dollars, and a half-gallon of apple juice. Fuel for the furious furnace of my tax-form-filing mind. I wonder if I can deduct that...
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