July 7, 2009

Ahead of the curve...?

So, I was browsing the Trek Project One site today, checking out the new Madone. Interestingly, they've dropped metallic orange from the color options. Lucky me, that's the color of my bike. I might have to investigate, and see if I own the only Madone in that color...collectible? Maybe that's why the initial paint was butchered...it was their first and last attempt at painting with that color.

Apparently I am attracted to bizarre items. In addition to my discontinued color (after one year!) bicycle, I am one of a small handful of manual-transmission Subaru Legacy GT wagon (Super Wagon!) owners. Also only offered for sale for one year. What's not to like? 250 rage-fueled turbocharger-boosted horsepower, wagon utility, all-wheel-drive, sporty handling! Not to mention ravishing good looks.

I'm either way ahead of the curve...or several decades behind. Burnt orange, anyone?

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