I have been sick. Rarely do I get knock-down, drag-out sick. Allergies, sure. Raging sinus headaches that would kill a bull from time to time. This last one was something else. I don't know if it was swine flu, or regular flu, or a small outbreak of Ebola, but it's been bad news around the bthoss abode the past week. Headaches, fever, grinding fatigue, endless sleep, coughing, nausea, you name it. The worst part, though, was the "muscle ache". People say "muscle ache" alongside the flu and I figure it's like after a hard bike ride or something. I'm here to tell you, no it's not. It's like someone took a freaking baseball bat to very nearly every inch of my body. I imagine wheat being ground into flour feels much the same thing. It was pretty much all I could manage to crawl out of bed and into the shower periodically, maybe hobble to the kitchen for some food. Fortunately I had an ample Diet Coke supply on hand, so I had that going for me.
Am I whining? Sure. Do I have to go back to work tomorrow? Yes. Do I want to? No. The sad thing is, I'm usually pretty hygienic. Trained biologist, see, we're supposed to know how to keep germs and stuff off us. Wash the hands, avert face and hold breath if someone nearby sneezes or coughs, the usual. Somehow this one snuck by and got me. And I have no idea who gave it to me! I can't think of any biohazard close calls in the past week. Must have been a shopping cart. Those things are nasty.
So, you know, watch out. And if you feel yourself getting sick, don't try to fool yourself and keep going like normal. Crawl into bed and hope you fend it off before it really gets its claws into you. Stay healthy out there.
Should'a gotten the flu shot :)
Haha, or maybe more Vitamin D.
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