December 19, 2009

Wheel dreams

For many years, I've wanted to learn how to build bicycle wheels.  I've decided now is the time.  And I've devised a diabolical plan, as well.  You see, I've also been interested in the H.E.D. extra-wide rims.  Rounding off the tire profile makes sense to me.  It's what GP motorcycles do, and look at them go around corners!  So my initial plan, if I can find the rim, is to build some wheels out of these:

The Velocity Chukker.  Made for the hipster bike polo crowd, but I like the 24mm rim width, as opposed to the normal 19mm width.  Throw some 25mm tires on there and bam.  The only potential downsides are A)  have to widen the brake calipers; 2) non-machined sidewalls -- hipsters don't use brakes; d) they seem hard to find.  It might be a tight fit on some of my bikes, have to wait and see.

Figure I'll snag "The Bicycle Wheel" by that Jobst Brandt fellow, and go from there.

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