January 17, 2010

Product review, winter cycling

Fortunately it warmed up above freezing today, and I de-sanded myself and took the Gunnar out for a spin.  A leisurely jaunt around Creve Couer Park.  I'd abandoned CC Park last year, due to the masses of milling pedestrians.  Sadly, even in winter the problem remains.  Fewer people, but those that are there appear to enjoy standing in groups across the entire trail, and can't be bothered to move aside for anyone else.

Irritating people aside, my new Cannondale Slice balaclava performed well.  It was warm enough, really, to do without.  But hey, I had it and I was going to use it, right?  Anyhow it kept me warm.  My hair actually was a little damp after the ride, the balaclava did its job so well.  Recommended.

The separate glove and liners also did well.  At first I gave it a go without the liners, but my index fingers rapidly got chilled.  Whipped out the liners, and was good to go.  And removing/replacing my gloves for whatever reason was easy and convenient.  Unlike the nightmare scenario involved with my ancient Nashbar gloves, with liner attached to gloves at the wrist.  Getting the liner back into the appropriate fingers after it was even slightly damp was well-nigh impossible.  Happily those days are behind me now.

And why is it that cyclists generally check out each other's ride?  I notice it time and again.  Meet someone on the road/trail, and more often than not they are looking at my bike.  I admit my bikes are awesome, but still.  It's not about the bike, as a certain famous cyclist said.

All in all a great ride.  I look forward to another tomorrow, when it will allegedly be even warmer.


Ted C. MacRae said...

Are they primarily checking out the front of the bike? Cuz if they are then they're - like me - probably just disbelieving the height of that head tube :)

Brian H. said...

Hahaha, get over the head tube! It is perfectly proportional to the rest of the bike. :)