February 25, 2010

Recent developments...

Well the winter doldrums have struck...been a while since my last update.  Since then I met a great girl, who then dumped me on my birthday.  With help from my best friend Christy I'm over it, don't worry.

My good friend Marty joined Facebook, which is great.  At first I was leery of Facebook, but it's become a valuable tool in keeping in touch with people, and reconnecting with long-lost friends.

Another friend TK got out of the eBay business, which means I will have to find another way to pawn off my unwanted cycling gear.  But he's moving on to better things, so it's all good.

This year will be a good year for cycling.  I've begun shedding the winter fat a month ahead of schedule, new workouts have increased my off-season speed considerably...and events at work and in life have provided excellent rage-fueled workouts.  Rage may be an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.  Anger, stress, frustration:  all these can be exorcised with some exercise.  I could well be faster on a bike this year than ever before.

Ride on.

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