It's never fun to be locked in battle with your own body. Granted, it's not what you'd call a life or death struggle. Allergies. I've officially declared war. This won't end until my nose starts behaving itself...or else winter sets in.
Wednesday I went to see the kind and talented Dr. Norman S. Druck, my sinus surgeon. I told him I was fed up with a lifetime of sneezing, stuffiness, lack of sleep, and everything else that's bad about allergies. He agreed to a prudently headlong assault on my overactive immune system.
So here I sit. Hopped up on a multitude of medications. But happily breathing through my nose as humans were meant to. Will it last? Maybe. If not, Dr. Druck has a prescription pad and endoscopic surgery tool up his voluminous sleeves.
Freaking nose. It's go time.
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