I have allergies. And sinus issues. Not real bad allergies, like the kind that will kill you. And I had an operation several years ago to manage the worst of the sinus issues. But they're still there, and they're at their worst in the Fall. Like yesterday. Yesterday was quite possibly one of the worst allergy days I've had in years. Nose running like a faucet, no airflow, sneezing so much that now my throat hurts.
So I assaulted my own immune system with a multifaceted offense. Nasalcrom, Zyrtec, saline sinus washes. Things improved. Then I pulled out the big gun: Benadryl. This age-old antihistamine works great for me, but has the unfortunate side-effect of drowsiness. Serious drowsiness. You know that "Tylenol PM" that you take to curb a headache and help you sleep? Yeah that's Benadryl in there putting you to sleep. Diphenhydramine HCl if you're into that sort of thing.
But it works. So now I am shuttered in my apartment, fearful of pollen and ragweed, HEPA filters on high, groggy and sleepy. But my nose isn't running, I'm not sneezing uncontrollably, and I can breathe through it a little bit. Life is good.
Allergies. I wish someone would find a cure already. Wednesday I visit my ENT doc to see if there's any new drugs he'd like to try. Cross your fingers.
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