December 28, 2009


It was a dream that I thought unattainable.  Make my own soda (a.k.a. "pop", "coke", "sodapop" etc. depending on your geographical situation) at home.

I drink a lot of soda.  Orange soda, Diet Coke, Root Beer, Grape, you name it, I drink it.  I'm a thirsty guy.  Lugging all those cans around, gathering them up to resell the empties, what a pain in my backside.

This Christmas, I received the ultimate soda-drinker's dream:  the Sodastream.  You get a kitchen gadget, a CO2 canister, and soda syrup.   Bang.  Make your own soda.  When the CO2 canister runs out, exchange it for a new one for a nominal fee.  My dad ran the numbers; it's cheaper than buying your soda pre-made.

Sure, the flavors are slightly different.  Sodastream uses sucralose (Splenda) rather than aspartame for the diet sweeteners.  And I'm sure they can't blatantly copy Coke/Pepsi recipes...but you know what?  It's pretty close.  Good enough for this soda-chugging fiend.  They've even got Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and Red Bull knock-offs.  If it's a flavor people drink, Sodastream probably sells a knockoff.

Check it out.  It's good stuff.

1 comment:

Pedal Brake Pedal by TK said...

no way. no way. give me a pepsi or a coke. it's so easy, man! it's right there in the can! anywhere, anytime, if you have a buck in your pocket, you can be sipping on the sweet nectar of life! and that satisfying PPPFFFFTT when you crack open a can! what the hell, man??