November 15, 2009

Gunnar continues

I put on some spare wheels and tires, and acquired a stem and bars from the local bike shop.  Starting to look more like a bike!  Next steps are to cut the steer tube and install the compression plug to hold the front end together.  I have a seatpost and saddle for it from another bike.

As my slow and methodical scouring of eBay continues, I happened to run across an interesting tidbit.  A Sram Force group, with a price a little above the general rate.  Reading carefully, they had a paragraph about Sram's "Minimum Advertised Price" policy, and how any price lower than theirs was in violation of this policy and the parts would not be warranted.  They never actually came out and said it, but the clearly, even emphatically implied message was that I should "Make an Offer" to get a better deal.  Is this "Minimum Advertised Price" policy just a farce to try and fool people?  A crafty ploy?  I don't know.  But it's interesting, our world.  Sneaky subterfuge abounds.

In other news, my niece "M" continues to amaze and astound.  It's shocking how fast she learns.  She has figured out how to communicate what she wants pretty effectively and walks pretty confidently, and continues to learn how to make noises which are ever more similar to language.  Are all babies that smart?  I have no idea, but it's incredible.  I am happy to say I'm not as afraid of her as before.  I was afraid the gentlest touch would snap a rib or something.  But she's pretty tough.

I am a giant jungle-gym to her, she gets great joy from climbing around on her giant Uncle B.  Cutest thing in the world.

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