December 28, 2008

Charities and phone spam

Now you've done it. Due to all the incessant phone calls in the month leading up to Christmas, I will now be boycotting any charity that has ever called me. AHA, ADA, fraternity of know who you are. I gave you money once, and now have to endure relentless requests for more money, years after the fact? Enough is enough. When you run out of money and people start dying and/or starving because all the charities went you know why.

I try not to be too much of a jerk, and would certainly like to help out my fellow humans. But getting FOUR FREAKING PHONE CALLS A DAY from EACH AND EVERY DAMN ONE OF YOU has driven me over the edge. I'll be keeping my money, thank you. You can suck eggs, maybe try panhandling outside WalMart.

I'm sure if I was motivated enough to hire a lawyer, you would lose. Repeated verbal and written requests to leave me alone had no result. My CallerID has logs of how often you called. Surely that qualifies for harassment. You could not only be sent to jail - I'm sure you would not honor a restraining order - but also have the crap sued out of you. "Oh, jury, the pain and suffering of the constant phone calls drove me to quit my job and become a hermit for five years. I'm suing for five years of lost wages, interest, medical bills to treat the parasite infections from my shack in Montana, and legal fees." That's, what, about $20 million? Burning coffee has nothing on the burning of my rage.

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