June 23, 2009

The "meh" ride

Meh. That's about all I can say about today's ride. The heat just took all the fire out of me. 'Bout an hour down in Chesterfield Valley, moderate pace. Around the end I started feeling like pushing the pedals, but then I was at my car and it looked so inviting. Certainly better than sitting on the non-existent couch, but not as much fun as less heat-intensive rides.

Some changes to the bike were also being investigated. Switched to a 110mm stem, from a 120mm. May not seem like much, but it matters. Now I can plant my hands firmly on the hoods while cruising in perfect comfort. Also some new tires, Conti 4000S, apparently all the rage. Felt pretty good, but then most tires do. Didn't really push them. And the local shop kindly attached a demo Arione saddle on my bike, which was being tested. The stock Bonty saddly was too wide, and too heavily padded for longer rides. The Arione is narrower, and less padded. Definitely fits me better, I can feel my sit bones in the right place, and after 30 minutes or so couldn't feel the saddle. Which is good, not a sign of numbness. ;) A lengthier ride is in order, but so far so good. Most likely Thursday.

The new Flite won't fit my bike, so that's out...

Drink lots of fluids. It's hot outside!

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