January 9, 2010

The Homeland

I was born in Hawaii.  I miss it.  My Dad was in the Navy, you see.  Worked on the shore gun computers, back when computers were rooms full of vacuum tubes and were programmed with yellow punch cards.  We left when I was young, long ago now, but I miss it.  I've been back a few times, and it is truly an amazing place.  I get that "home" feeling when I step out of the airport and catch the flowery scent.  With my job situation in flux, I contemplate the possibility of moving back there.  Probably not Honolulu; it's expensive.  But I wonder if the cost of living in some other town, or on one of the other islands, would be more reasonable.  Of course I'd have to find work.  I wonder how many robots need tending on an island paradise?

Hawaii is, on the other hand, kind of strange.  There you are on tiny bits of land in the middle of a gigantic ocean.  Anywhere you go, there's the ocean.  It can be a little humbling, the size of that ocean.  Makes you feel small.

I miss it.  I don't know if it's just me, or a shared trait of humans in general, but the sound of the waves just feels right, down in my bones.  Sounds like home.  It's time to go back, if only for a little while.

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