First things first. Still no bike. No word from anyone on when it may arrive. I've appealed to Trek themselves for info, and the email may or may not have included the phrase "bleeding out my ears".
Secondly, vicious robot attack! I may or may not have been at work. Actually I'm sure I wasn't or I certainly would have reported immediately to the clinic to fill out paperwork. While bleeding. At any rate, out of nowhere a bloodthirsty robot attacked me. Me and the TeMo have had several run-ins through the years. It generally wins. Razor-sharp edges, mysterious protrusions to impale me with, high-speed motors...oh yes it wields a wicked array of weapons to use against me. Most times, I am nimble and attentive enough to avoid the initial attack, and then I flee to safety. Or power it off. This time, probably being distracted by my still non-existent Trek, it caught me unawares. I will spare you a photo, but needless to say I am now sporting a fresh two-inch gash on my scalp. No stitches required, but it took a while for the bleeding to stop. Now it's slathered in Neosporin or whatever that stuff is, busily healing. Hit me hard enough to make my eyes water, and for me to promptly sit down. No concussion; at least my pupils are dilating normally, and I'm only seeing two or three copies of everything.
Never let a robot sneak up on you. They're after blood, and if they catch you...they'll get it.
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