May 7, 2009


As it happens, I actually have a very mild, hardly mentionable concussion. Headache, impaired fine motor control...apparently signs of concussion. Doc ordered me to stay at home from work. I'm not arguing! Still have headache, but am confident I will be right as rain in the morning.

And, for an extra dose of gruesomeness, the good doctor informed me that the robot didn't actually "cut" me. Looking at the zigzag pattern of the wound, he surmises that the robot folded the hair on my scalp and then just tore through. Which makes sense, as the robot did not assault me with one of its many razor-sharp edges. It opted for a brute force attack instead. Which also explains why it bled for so long...wide, jagged edges do not close up as easily as nice clean cuts.

Good times, good times.

Oh, and I've been informed my bike should arrive in the hands of the local shop tomorrow. Hooray!

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